Dr. Michel Steuwer visits our group
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Dr. Michel Steuwer from the University of Edinburgh (UK) is going to visit our group from Aug. 24th to Aug. 26th. Michel is an expert in parallel programming with algorithmic skeletons on heterogeneous machines. He is the main developer of SkelCL, a C++ library for parallel skeletal programming on heterogeneous systems. SkelCL provides high-level abstractions (e.g, such as map and reduce operations known from functional programming) to ease the development of parallel OpenCL code for multi cores and GPUs. On Aug. 25th, 10:00 - 11:30, Room 1004 of the Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Michel will give a talk on SkelCL and his current research on rewrite-based generation of OpenCL code. Please feel cordially invited to this lecture.