Alex Brauckmann awarded the Zeiss Diplompreis!
Alex Brauckmann, a member of the CC Chair from 2020, has been awarded the “Zeiss Diplompreis für Informatik” for his thesis “Investigating Input Representations and Representation Models of Source Code for Machine Learning”, supervised by Andres Goens. Alex’s thesis was the basis for a paper on “Compiler-Based Graph Representations for Deep Learning Models of Code” at the renown ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC’20), featuring a novel deep learning method that improves predictive compiler heuristics. The Zeiss prize is awarded to outstanding thesis work at TU Dresden and the HTW Dresden in the areas of Scientific Computing, Machine Learning, Image Processing and Framework Design. Due to the pandemic, Alex couldn't receive the honour during this year's OUTPUT.DD science event, so we had to improvise a picture. We are happy for Alex and proud to have him in our team!