Asif Ali Khan: Successful PhD defense!

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We congratulate Asif Khan for having successfully defended his PhD on April 25th, 2022. Asif joined our team a bit less than five years ago in May 2017. Together with Fazal, Asif helped shape most of the work on emerging technologies at the CC Chair. He worked on several memory and in-memory architectures and developed pioneering compiler optimizations for systems with emerging memory technologies. His work has been published in several renown conferences and journals, including DAC, DATE, LCTES, CASES, ACM TECS, ACM TACO, IEEE TCAD and IEEE TC. Today he defended his thesis on "Design and code optimization for systems with next-generation racetrack memories” in a hybrid setup, with family and friends connecting remotely. Special thanks go to Prof. Yiran Chen from Duke University for acting as external reviewer. We are more than happy that Asif will stay with us as PostDoc for the near future!

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