CC Chair at ESWeek’23
At this year International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES) during the Embedded Systems Week in Hamburg, Hamid Farzaneh presented our joint work on “Architecture to compiler co-optimization for computation in resistive non-volatile memories” with the group of Prof. Mehdi Tahoori. His presentation, held on September 18, is based on a collaborative publication on challenges and opportunities of non-volatile memories that originates from the SPP 2377 project on Disruptive Memory Technologies. During the same week, Prof. Castrillon delivered the opening keynote at the Workshop on Compilers, Deployment, and Tooling for Edge AI (CODAI’23) on “Next-generation compilers for emerging systems”. Both events were well visited and, as usual, it was a great week for academic exchanges, and to meet friends and colleagues form the embedded systems community. At CASES, Prof. Castrillon was honoured with the CASES-2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award.