CC Chair at the HiPEAC'23 conference
In 2023, Europe's annual industry and research forum HiPEAC entered its 7th phase. This year's HiPEAC Conference took place in Toulouse between January 16-18. Under the new focus of the HiPEAC project, High Performance Edge and Cloud Computing, the CC Chair represented some of its projects at different events.
On the 16th, the 13th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques (IMPACT) was held, which provides a welcoming stage for researchers to exchange and reflect on novel ideas and implementations in the world of polyhedral. This year, Karl Friebel presented "Modelling linear algebra kernels as polyhedral volume operations", which marks the latest milestone in the CCCs research into MLIR kernel transformations for linear algebra applications.
After the keynote by AMD's Ivo Bolsens on their new adaptive devices, AMD held its first ever Adaptive4AI workshop on the 17th. The event featured members of AMD Cologne (former Silexica) and AMD AECG Research Labs (former Xilinx Research Dublin) presenting both the mature and growing parts of the new AMD Deep Learning ecosystem. Continuing the research collaboration between AMD Cologne and the CCC, Karl Friebel was invited to give a talk "Converging HPC and AI in MLIR for adaptable platforms" to provide further insight into how interests of researchers and industry working on adaptive compute platforms may align in MLIR in the future.
The 17th also saw the first day of the workshop on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP).
The two-day event covered emerging topics on machine learning, signal, image, and video processing over the full stack, from embedded to cloud systems. On 18th, our visiting Ph.D. student Guilherme Korol, presented the work “Adaptive Inference for FPGA-based 5G Automatic Modulation Classification” (proceedings to come). The paper exploits how much noise is in the 5G signal so that the neural networks performing the Automatic Modulation Classification can match the current signal strength at runtime, improving the overall performance and energy efficiency.
Finally, the last day (18th), as the traditional EU projects day, saw the first combined EVEREST + DAPHNE workshop. Scientific coordinators, project members, and their EU commission correspondent, met to summarize the past achievements and future vision of the two interlocking projects in the Horizon 2020 programme. As members of the EVEREST consortium, members of the CCC also took part in this exchange.