CC Chair at the HiPEAC Conference 2024!
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This year’s HiPEAC conference took place in January 17-19. As usual, it was great for the CC Chair to visit the conference, reinforce collaborations and kick-start new ones. The CC chair co-organized the workshop EVEREST + DAPHNE workshop, on design and programming high-performance, distributed, reconfigurable and heterogeneous platforms for extreme-scale analytics. The workshop included excellent talks from Stephen Neuendorffer (AMD) and Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich). Karl gave a talk on “MLIR stack for heterogeneous systems: Experiences and Results”, detailing the compiler work done by the CC Chair in the EVEREST project. Ciao Vieira, a visiting PhD student from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, presented his work on “Hyperdimensional Computing Quantization with Thermometer Codes" in the co-located workshop Accelerated Machine Learning (AccML).