Christian Menard: Successful PhD defense!
We congratulate Christian Menard for having successfully defended his PhD on April 25th, 2024 on "Deterministic Reactive Programming for Cyber-physical Systems”. Christian spent several fruitful years with us, starting with his Diploma Thesis for which he received the Hermann-Willkomm in 2016. He worked on several programming models for parallel and distributed computing, leading to upwards of 20 international publications. In the past 4 years he led the development of the Lingua Franca project on the side of TU Dresden. A successful collaboration with the UC Berkeley and several other academic partners worldwide. Special thanks to Prof. Stephen Edwards from Columbia University for acting as external reviewer. Christian will move on to lead Xronos, a company that develops tools and services for building software-defined cyber-physical systems that span deeply embedded, edge, and cloud platforms. We wish Christian all the best and hope to keep in touch!