New research assistant: Felix Wittwer
We welcome Felix Wittwer as new research assistant at the Chair for Compiler Construction. Felix recently finished his master’s degree in Computer Science at TU Dresden. Already as a student, Felix became a regular at the CC Chair, where he finished his master thesis on language and compiler support for deterministic execution of parallel applications with shared state. Felix will be working in the project “EVEREST: Design environment for extreme-scale big data analytics on heterogeneous platforms”, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no 957269. He will also be working with Christian Menard on parallel programming models for deterministic execution of automotive software. Prior to joining our team Felix studied in Dresden where he specialized in Compilers, Operating Systems and Systems Engineering. He is also an active contributor to open source software. We are lucky to have Felix as new member of the team and look forward to working with him in the next years!