Warm welcome to interns from Tunisia

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The chair for compiler construction is hosting Amani Younsi and Taher Aouayeb for a short term project with the support of the  German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Amani and Taher, are working towards their final graduation project at National School of Computer Science (ENSI) in Tunisia. The internship is planned for 5 months in the context of a collaboration between ENSI with Prof. Chadlia Jerad from the University of Manouba, and the CC chair. Hasna Bouraoui, a Phd Student in CCC, will be helping as an advisor of the students. Amani will be working on performance analysis of a deep learning based speaker/speech recognition algorithm on heterogeneous platform. Taher will be working on the design and development of a compiler for a multi-core platform of FlexPRET machines.  

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