cfaed Distinguished Lecture Series
cfAED Distinguished Lecture Series
Prof. Sumio Iijima , Meijo University, Japan
Structural characterization of nanomaterials: carbon, layered materials and clay minerals
12.09.2014 (Friday)
, 15:15 - 16:45
TU Dresden, Chemistry Building, Room CHE089 , Bergstr. 66 , 01069 Dresden

A cfaed Distinguished Lecture by the discoverer of carbon nanotubes...!
First, I would like to speak briefly about the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNT) with emphasis on importance of high-resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM) [1]. Many unique properties of CNT come from their cylindrical form with nanometer size diameter, which has brought a new concept of matters into material research community.
Modern electron optical technology including high resolution microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) [2] and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) [3] has progressed to a large extent and supported widely innovative research on nano-materials. Some of typical examples of atomic characterizations of nanocarbon materials, CNTs, graphene sheets and related nanomaterials will be presented [4]. Also I would like to touch upon some of bionanotechnology of CNTs which have been performed in my laboratories. [5,6].
Lastly I would like to introduce my recent effort to solve crystal structures of primitive clay minerals like imogolites and pseudoboehmite (AlO(OH)).The latter seems to be similar to the nanosheet of titanium hydroxide that attracted some researchers in nanotechnolgy.
The Japanese physicist Sumio Iijima discovered carbon nanotubes in 1991 while working with NEC. He received a Master‘s degree and completed his Ph.D. in solid-state physics in 1968. He then researched crystalline materials at Arizona State University and afterwards joined NEC Corporation where he is still employed. He is also a professor at Meijo University and the director of the Research Center for Advanced Carbon Materials, Distinguished Invited University Professor of Nagoya University and the dean of Sungkyunkwan Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology. Iijima was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics in 2002. He is a foreign associate of National Academy of Sciences and of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and was awarded the inaugural Kavli Prize for nanoscience in 2008.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to this lecture and an inspiring discussion. The keynote is open to the research and industry community as well as the public audience.
1) S. Iijima, Nature, 345, 56(1991).
2) K. Suenaga et al., Nature, 468, 1088(2010).
3) K. Suenaga, et al., Nature Photonics, 6, 503(2012).
4) Z. Liu, et al., Nature Commnications, 5, 4055(2014).
5) M. Yudasaka et al., PNAS, 105, 14775(2008).
6) E. Miyako, et al., PNAS, 109, 7523 (2012).
7) T. Sasaki et at., J. Phys. Chem. 108, 13088(2004).