cfaed Seminar Series
cfaed Seminar Series
Prof. W. Craig Carter , Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Making Materials from Materials Computations
19.03.2015 (Thursday)
, 17:00 - 18:30
Albertinum (museum), Hermann-Glöckner-Raum , Georg-Treu-Platz 2 , 01067 Dresden

As computational materials scientists, we can simulate a large variety of materials processes and structures. Our numerical results often produce compelling images and videos which have aesthetic qualities, and it is generally appreciated that there is an art and craft in transforming numerical results into compelling images. Furthermore, we have a large toolset of algorithms and methods that possess their own aesthetic elegance.
In the last several years in collaboration with the artist Neri Oxman, I've been using existing techniques of materials simulation and developing new algorithms to produce material objects created by additive manufacturing and numerically controlled machining. The results have been exhibited at MoMa, the Modern Art Museum in Paris, the Smithsonian, the Paris Haute Couture Fashion show, and many other venues. I will describe some examples of simulation algorithms and numerical techniques that have been used to produce a few of the objects that Neri Oxman and I have produced.