cfaed Seminar Series
Dr. Selina Olthof , University of Cologne // currently Trefftz visiting Professor at cfaed
Characterizing the electronic structure in novel semiconducting materials
28.02.2018 (Wednesday)
, 16:00 - 17:30
Hermann-Krone-Building, TU Dresden, Seminar Room 1.11 , Nöthnitzer Str. 61 , 01187 Dresden

Research on novel semiconducting materials for application in optoelectronic devices like solar cells or light emitting devices has gained increasing interest in the last years as these technologies have several advantages over the standard silicon applications; these include e.g. the processability from solution or the application in flexible devices. In this talk I want to look at two of these material classes, which are the rather well established organic semiconductors as well as the recently revived organic/inorganic halide perovskites.
The properties of these novel semiconductors are rather different from their inorganic counterparts, and drawbacks in physical properties are compensated by advanced design principles when applied in optoelectronic devices. In the resulting complex multilayer structures, the working mechanisms depend crucially on the proper alignment of the electronic landscape within the device, allowing for efficient charge injection or extraction across the various interfaces.
In this talk I will introduce the two material classes of organic and perovskite semiconductors and discuss how measurements by photoelectron spectroscopy can help us to understand their basic properties as well as their interface formation in order to unravel and improve the working mechanisms in devices.
About Dr. Olthof
Since 1st of January 2018, Dr. Selina Olthof is Visiting Professor at the cluster within the framework of TUD's Eleonore Trefftz Programme for Visiting Women Professors. Read more about Dr. Olthof here.