cfaed Seminar Series
cfaed Seminar Series
Prof. Heinz Koeppl , TU Darmstadt
Statistical inference of cellular behaviour from heterogeneous single-cell data
24.07.2015 (Friday)
, 14:00 - 15:30
MPI-CBG Auditorium , Pfotenhauerstr. 108 , 01307 Dresden

Everybody is very welcome to the seminar organized by Max Planck Institute of Meolecular Cell Biology and Genetics. Prof. Dr. Heinz Koeppl is going to hold a talk titled "Statistical inference of cellular behaviour from heterogeneous single-cell data".
Modeling and inferring stochastic biomolecular processes based on single-cell data requires an extension of the traditional Markov chain description to account for the random molecular environment into which the process of interest is embedded. In particular, isolated process model that behaves as if the process was still embedded into the molecular environment is sought. Based on that novel process model the researchers develop a Bayesian inference framework that resorts to traditional MCMC schemes in combination with sequential Monte Carlo techniques. They apply the framework to live-cell imaging data of a inducible gene expression system in budding yeast and show that it allows to separate intrinsic from extrinsic noise components from single measurements without the need for dedicated dual-color constructs.