Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden

2012/11 to 2019/10


Funding Body: DFG
Scheme: Cluster of Excellence
Volume: 34 mio. €


In 2012, there was still room for improvement in CMOS technology and industry roadmaps reached out to 2022. The first decade of the new millennium had seen significant advances in new materials, which led to many promising discoveries. While materials research was continued, some discoveries had reached a point that warranted exploring device fabrication, circuits, and information processing systems for potential applications. As CMOS scaling was projected to end soon after 2020, we assumed that industry would stop being preoccupied with advancing CMOS and would eagerly look out for new ideas. Given these two developments, we believed that university-based research had a unique opportunity to integrate discoveries on new materials and technological innovations with the potential for advancing electronic information processing beyond 2020. It was the vision of the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) that future CMOS technology would be complemented with new technologies (augmented CMOS), resulting in heterogeneous architectures to form highly efficient information processing systems.

Speaker: Prof. Gerhard Fettweis

Participating Institutions

TU Dresden, TU Chemnitz, Leibniz IPF, Leibniz IFW, naMLab gGmbH, Fraunhofer IKTS, Fraunhofer ENAS, MPI-CBG, MPI-PKS, HZDR, KSI

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