Archive: cfaed Seminar Series

Antonín Kučera

Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Stability in Graphs and Games

Andreas Kerber, PhD

GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Reliability Engineering (USA)

Reliability of scaled Metal Gate / High-K devices and its correlation to CMOS circuit aging

Prof. Kaustav Banerjee

University of California, Santa Barbara

2D Crystals for Smart Life

Dr. Ivan Minev

BIOTEC, TU Dresden

Electronic Tissue Technologies for Interfacing the Nervous System

Prof. Josef Michl

University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Direct Alkylation of Gold Surfaces with Solutions of Organometallics

Dr. Wladimir Thiessen

Institut für Angewandte Photophysik (IAPP), TU Dresden

Beyond graphene: synthetic pathways to 2D forms of elements

Assoc. Prof. Frederik Armknecht

University of Mannheim

Secure and Fair Cloud Storage

Prof. Ulrich Schwarz

TU Chemnitz

Polarization in InGaN Quantum Wells

Dr. Alexander Eisfeld

Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

Energy transfer and optical properties of light harvesting aggregates