Archive: DCN Seminar

Dr. Claire Donnelly


Exploring three dimensional spin textures …and how to control them

Dr. Magnus Garbrecht

The University of Sydney

Nitride multilayer thin films in the aberration-corrected TEM: Diffusion and phase transitions

Dr. Andreas Müller

DZD - Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden of the Helmholtz Zentrum München at TU Dresden

Strategies for organelle-specific segmentation of 3D electron microscopy datasets

Dr. Jan Masell

(Anti-)Skyrmions in crystals with S4 symmetry


Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung (IPF)

Talks by three PhD Students of Dr. Petr Formanek (Leibniz IPF)

Dr. B. Layla Mehdi

University of Liverpool

Quantitative Observation of Interface Dynamics in Next Generation Batteries

Bergoi Ibarlucea

Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann Center for Biomaterials, cfaed

Exploiting the versatility of nanostructured transistors for biosensing applications

Dr. Markus Löffler and others

Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN)

Joint Workshop on XCT

Frank Eisenhut

cfaed, Single Molecule Machines Group

Model systems for atomic and molecular scale electronics