52nd Biennial Assembly of the German Colloid Society
DRESDEN, September 30 – October 2, 2024
The 52nd Biennial Assembly of the German Colloid Society in Dresden adds to a successful series of conferences. This years edition will feature the special framework topics :
- Particle Based Functional Materials: Towards Device Integration
- Polyelectrolyte Coacervates Renaissance
In addition to these framework topics, the broad scope of the colloid and interface science will be covered with a range of lectures and poster on the topics
- Surfactant Science, Membranes, Foams, Microemulsions, Emulsions, Amphiphilic Copolymers
- Polyelectrolytes
- Gelation, Hydrogels, Responsive Colloids
- Nanoparticles
- Theory / Modelling / Simulation of Colloids and Interfaces including Predictive Modelling and Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning Approaches
- Applications and Sustainable Formulations of Colloidal Systems
- Wetting Phenomena
- Functional Interfaces and Bio-Interfaces
In addition to plenary lectures of the Colloid society award winners (to be announced), plenary lectures will bedelivered by the following invited speakers.