EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 14th Dresden Microelectronics Academy - cfaed Summer School
Application period ends on 17 July 2015
Published on in NEWS

Are you fascinated by the latest innovations in the semiconductor industry?
Are you interested in gaining practical first-hand and top expert knowledge?
Then don't waste time to apply to this year's Dresden Microelectronics Academy! GLOBALFOUNDRIES, X-FAB and cfaed (TU Dresden) will familiarize you with the fascinating world of semiconductors. Be part of a dialog on today’s and tomorrow’s challenges of this path-finding industry. Experience lectures and guided tours with industry professionals as a deep dive into one of the most compelling work environments for top engineers.
As an advanced student, postgraduate or postdoc, take the opportunity to get in touch with leading-edge semiconductor companies and to experience Dresden – Europe’s leading microelectronics location!
We look forward to welcoming you to Dresden!
The Dresden Microelectronics Academy (DMA) was founded in 1999 and, ever since then, organized by Professor Johann W. Bartha (TUD Chair for Semiconductor Technology). As of this year, cfaed contributes to the organization of this successful Summer School as well as to the scientific program with workshops and presentations. Professor Stefan Mannsfeld (cfaed Chair for Organic Devices) joined the organizing committee.
The aim of the school is to introduce the participants to the work of local industry and our cluster and, in turn, win potential future PhD students or postdocs. In addition, we are always looking for sponsoring partners who can support our summer school.
14th Dresden Microelectronics Academy - cfaed Summer School
14 - 18 September 2015
Application deadline: 17 July 2015
Application form: