Fourth Strategic cfaed Professor: Akash Kumar appointed at TU Dresden
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On 29 September, the native of India scientist Akash Kumar received the certificate of appointment from the Technical University of Dresden. The multiprocessor systems expert is now full professor of TU Dresden and the fourth appointed Strategic Professor of cfaed where he holds the Chair for Processor Design. In summer 2015, Prof. Kumar already spent a two-month research stay at TU Dresden. This period was a useful stepping stone for him to get familiar with his future workplace and to build up first scientific contacts and networks.
Akash Kumar received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in the area of embedded systems from National University of Singapore (NUS) joint with Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. From 2009, he was affiliated with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NUS and starting 2011 he worked there as an Assistant Professor. During that period, Prof. Kumar has published over 60 papers in leading international electronic design automation journals and conferences.
The focus of his current research lays on designing predictable multi‐processor systems – predictable in terms of both the architecture and the applications. Multiprocessor systems‐on‐chip (MPSoCs) have been proposed as a solution to rising power of modern embedded systems. These systems are becoming increasingly heterogeneous with use of dedicated IP blocks and application domain specific processors. To achieve high performance in such systems, the limited computational resources must be shared. The concurrent execution of dynamic applications on shared resources is a potential source of interference. Modelling and analyzing this interference is a key to building cost‐effective systems which can deliver the desired performance of the applications.