Best Student Paper Award for cfaed Scientists
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On Friday, the 13th of November, a HAEC paper by written by David Schöniger, Ronny Henker and Frank Ellinger received the Best Student Paper Award of IEEE International Microwave and Optoelectronic Conference (IMOC) 2015 in Porto Galinhas, Brazil. The paper is titled “A High-Speed Energy-Efficient Inductor-Less Transimpedance Amplifier with Adjustable Gain for Optical Chip-to-Chip Communication”. The results were achieved within the HAEC project "A07: Energy-Adaptive Optical Onboard Links for Inter-Chip Communication".
The proposed Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) outperforms all other published TIAs with adjustable performance to date. It shows the highest bandwidth and in comparison with fabricated TIAs the lowest power consumption and hence the best energy efficiency. Compared to silicon based implementations with adjustable gain the highest reported gain bandwidth product is achieved.