cfaed Scientific Image Competition 2021 - Call for Entries!
Published on in NEWS

Dear cfaed members: New round, new luck! Once again, the famous cfaed SIC is open for entries! We are looking for your inspiring images 'from the lab': the most beautiful scientific illustration, SEM-Image, photo or graphic – feel free to be creative and illustrate your work in your way – or take a snapshot of your amazing science! The prizes for the best 3 submissions are: a Standsome high-desk positioner …and a large-size printed version on aluminum of your picture.
A selection of the submitted images will be used in our official PR-materials. In addition, there is also the chance that the most beautiful images will be displayed in the cfaed building (BAR) and in an exhibition that will take place in fall in the ALTANA Galerie, which is TUD's art exhibition space.
See more info about how to participate and a selection of 2020 entries
See more from earlier cfaed Scientific Image Contests on our Instagram channel