Courses in winter term 2016/17
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For all interested students we would like to give an overview of the courses offered by cfaed professors and group leaders in the winter term. Below you can find the list of course descriptions and helpful links.
cfaed Chairs
Chair for Compiler Construction
Lecture Compiler Construction
Lecturer: Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon
Schedule: In the winter semester 2016, the lecture will be held on Tuesdays, 3. DS (11:10-12:40) in room APB: E007 (starting on the 11.10.2016).
Vorlesung Einführung in die Technische Informatik
Lecturer: Prof. Spallek, Prof. Nagel, Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon, Dr. Zimmerling, Dr. Zabel, Dr. Trenkler
Schedule: In the winter semester 2016, the lecture will be held on Fridays, 5. DS – 6. DS (14:50-18:10) in room APB: E006; the exercise will take place on Wednesdays, 5. DS (14:50-16:20) in room APB: E009; the practical training will take place on Wednesdays, 6. DS (16:40-18:10) in room APB: E006, (starting on the 11.10.2016).
Research Project (Forschungspraktikum Compilerbau)
Lecturer: Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon
Schedule: Individually.
How to get started: The projects are defined individually. You can get an overview of the current projects on the staff pages. In case of interest, simply contact the corresponding staff member.
Seminar Current Topics in Compiler Construction (Hauptseminar)
Lecturer: Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon
Schedule: There will be a maximum capacity of 10 students to participate in the seminar. Register with an e-mail to Sebastian Ertel until the 31st of October. We will follow up with a date for the presentation and the distribution of topics afterwards.
More information you can find here.
Chair for Knowledge-Based Systems
Vorlesung Formale Systeme
Lehrbeauftragter: Markus Krötzsch
TutorInnen: Monika Sturm und Daniel Borchmann
Termine: Die erste Vorlesung ist am Montag, 10.10.2016. Weitere Termine sind jeweils: montags 3.DS (11:10–12:40) HSZ/0002 und donnerstags 4.DS (13:00–14:30) HSZ/0003.
Übungen: Die Einschreibungen in die Übungsgruppen erfolgt über JExam. Die Übungen beginnen in aber der 2. Vorlesungswoche (42. KW), also ab dem 17. Oktober.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.
Chair for Molecular Fuctional Materials
Lecture Organic Chemistry
Lecturer: Prof. Feng, Dr. Grünker and Dr. Berger
Schedule: The lecture will be held on Thursdays 4.DS (13:00-14:30) and Fridays 3.DS (11:10-12:40) (starting on the 8.12.2016).
Chair for Organic Devices
Lecture Circuit Technology
Lecturer: Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld
Schedule: every Friday, 09:20 – 10:50, TU Dresden, Physics building, room BZW/B101/U
Lecture Organic Field Effect Devices
Lecturer: Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld
Schedule: every Tuesday, 13:00 – 14:30, TU Dresden, Hörsaalzentrum, room CHE/0183/U
More information you can find here.
cfaed Research Group Leaders
Martin Claus Research Group
Lecture Modeling of nanoelectronic devices
Lecturers: Prof. Dr.- Ing. habil. M. Schröter / Dr.-Ing. M. Claus
Schedule: The lecture will be held on Mondays, 5. DS (14:50-16:20) in room BAR/218/U (starting on the 17.10.2016).
Exercise Modeling of nanoelectronic devices
Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. S. Mothes
Schedule: The exercise will take place on Wednesdays, 5. DS (14:50-16:20) in room BAR/218/U (starting on the 19.10.2016).
More information you can find here.
Benjamin Friedrich Research Group
Haupt-Seminar: "Statistical Physics of Information: Information theory in Physics and Biology"
Readers: Benjamin Friedrich, Meik Dörpinghaus
Schedule: The seminar will take place on Wednesdays, 3. DS (11:10-12:40) in room APS 2026 (starting on the 19.10.2016)
More information you can find here.
Meik Dörpinghaus Research Group
Vorlesung Informationstheorie
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Meik Dörpinghaus (Vodafone Stiftungslehrstuhl)
Schedule: The lecture will be held on Wednesdays, 2. DS (09:20-10:50) in room BAR 205; the exercise will take place on Thursdays, 2. DS (09:20-10:50) in room BAR 205 (starting on the 10.10.2016).
Oberseminar Informationstechnik
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Meik Dörpinghaus (Vodafone Stiftungslehrstuhl)
Schedule: tba.
More information you can find here.