Second Funding Period: CRC 912 “Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing” (HAEC) Granted by DFG
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On 21 May 2015, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) granted a second four-year funding period of the Collaborative Research Center 912 "Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing" (HAEC).
cfaed congratulates HAEC to this achievement! HAEC is embedded into the research structure of cfaed as one of its research paths.
One of the most challenging topics of today’s information and communication technology is energy-efficiency. The mission of HAEC is to enable high energy-efficiency in today’s computing systems without compromising on high performance. The CRC follows an integrated approach for highly adaptive energy-efficient computing to approach energy-efficient computing at all involved technology levels.
“During Phase I, we already have achieved remarkable progress in the area of highly adaptive energy-efficient information processing, both, at the hardware as well as the software levels,” Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, HAEC’s coordinator says. During Phase II, these results will be further investigated.
To address the demanding scientific challenges, HAEC’s number of subprojects has increased from 15 during Phase I to 21 in Phase II. 19 Professors of the faculties of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics participate in HAEC. The second funding period will last from 1 July 2015 until 30 June 2019. Further information can be found here:
Contact details:
CRC 912
Prof. Gerhard Fettweis (Coordinator)
Tel.: 0351 463 - 41000