Impressions from the International NanoBioSensors Conference
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The international conference Nanobiosensors: New Materials and Systems took place on 4th-5th September in Dresden, organized by the cfaed members Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Dr. Larysa Baraban and Dr. Bergoi Ibarlucea, from the Chair Materials Science and Nanotechnology (TU Dresden).
The conference got together 55 participants from 11 countries around the world to merge various aspects that are critical for the development of optimal biosensors: nanomaterials and nanoelectronics, flexible electronics, integration and packaging, and microfluidics. The sessions were initiated by key researchers invited to share their latest achievements, and continued by the contribution of other participants. Each days’ sessions were preceded by plenary lectures given by Prof. Andreas Manz (pioneer of the micro-total analysis systems) and Prof. Andreas Offenhäusser, a reference figure in the interfacing of electronic systems with biological material.
The programme moved on smoothly, in a positive atmosphere, where the participants could interact with each other, exchanging knowledge and experiences, sharing discussions, and contemplating new opportunities for cooperation.