
Network Dynamics Chair Granted DFG Reinhart Koselleck Project On Strongly Driven Nonlinear Network Dynamics

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portrait photo of Prof Marc Timme
Prof Marc Timme, Chair of Network Dynamics. © Jürgen Lösel for cfaed.

Prof. Marc Timme, head of the Chair of Network Dynamics, won the prestigious Reinhart Koselleck grant promoted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – an outstanding success!

The Reinhart-Koselleck grant funds research on strongly driven nonlinear network dynamics for 5 years and amounts to 1.5 Million Euros (incl. overhead). It constitutes the largest single-applicant research grant by the DFG, roughly comparable to an ERC grant on the European level.

Most complex systems and networks in the real-world respond to strong external fluctuations in a distributed and intricate way. With his team, Marc Timme will investigate the theoretical principles underlying their collective response dynamics and reliable function. The theory will be applied across a wide range of systems that fundamentally influence our daily lives, including biological networks, electric power grids and mechanical systems. To ensure suitable function of these systems, it is crucial to understand how responses distribute across a network and which aspects may cause or prevent the crossing of critical tipping points that disrupt the systems’ intended or desired functionality. Core research focuses on fluctuation-induced nonlinear state shifts, the prediction of tipping points, and the design of fluctuation-resilient networks.

The Reinhart Koselleck Program by DFG enables outstanding researchers with a proven scientific track record to pursue exceptionally innovative, high-risk projects. Reinhart Koselleck Projects funds research staff, scientific instrumentation, consumables, travel, and publication costs.

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