
OD Chair Members Investigated Semiconductors at Synchrotron Light Source (ELETTRA) in Trieste

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One of the recent scientific pursuits at the cfaed Chair for Organic Devices (Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld) included a visit of Prof. Mannsfeld, Postdoc Mike Hambsch and PhD student Rishi Shivare to the Synchrotron Light Source (ELETTRA) based in Trieste, Italy. The main motivation to visit such a research facility is the opportunity to work with intensely bright x-ray radiation. The 3-days research stay was used to examine a wide range of organic semiconductors, using wide and small angle x-ray scattering. The molecular and mesoscale structure of molecules was probed and a better understanding of how structural modifications affect device performance (for example in organic field effect transistors and solar cells) could be gained. Doing experiments at a synchrotron is truly a unique experience, it is fascinating to see hundreds of scientists working round the clock.

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