Review 2nd cfaed Career Symposium 2018
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On 10 April 2018, cfaed’s second CAREER SYMPOSIUM took place and resulted in interactive bonding sessions, interesting career talks by professionals from in and outside academia as well as individual interviews with company representatives. More than 95 Master’s students, PhD students and Postdocs with an educational background in physics, chemistry, material science, computer science and electrical engineering took the opportunity to listen to diverse career stories of cfaed alumni and senior managers.
“With this event, we implemented a new format which was made available to international MINT students and postdocs. Other than at the typical bonding fairs, the participants were able to get in contact with each other, meet at individual interview areas, ask questions they would never ask in job interviews and do some networking with their scientific community,” says Karl Leo, cfaed’s Career Development Director.
“What I particularly like about this event in comparison to big events is that is more personal and private, and you feel comfortable talking to and asking people about their career. This atmosphere gives you the chance to really get to know each other.” Caroline Obermeyer, HZDR
In addition to the talks, the participants had the chance to have their application documents checked or talk to the university’s Welcome Center about legal issues that come with a job in Germany.
“The applications check was great. It showed me how important it is to stand out of pool of applicants. So be creative and highlight what sets you apart from other applicants. This is the way to apply.” Keerthana Ramanathan, TU Dresden
The entire event was held in English, which made it attractive both to TU Dresden’s international students and other DD-concept partners as well as to the participating companies, i.e. Agilion GmbH, Infineon Technologies, DLR Dresden and Fraunhofer IVI, to name a few.