For a multicultural and tolerant Dresden
Statement of TUD rector Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen
Published on in NEWS

„What we are presently witnessing in Dresden is very disturbing: Thousands of people are gathering in the inner city to protest against the “Islamisation of the Western World”. Of course are we all shocked and appalled by the atrocities committed by the Islamic State (IS). But to associate these crimes with all Muslims, all refugees and all asylum seekers is wrong and dangerous, and is playing right into the hands of right-wing extremist groups. Individual insecurities and latent fear of foreigners and the unknown are misused to generate aversion and resistance to refugees - exactly those people who need our help and support the most.
Outstanding achievements in research and teaching are only achievable by close and trustful cooperation. Science is international! This is what life is at TU Dresden, where students and scientists from a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds are an inherent and highly valued part of our university.
The PEGIDA demonstrations are counterproductive to all our activities that aim for a multicultural and tolerant Dresden. TU Dresden wants foreign students and scientists to come to Dresden and to its University, and to feel welcome here. We must avoid that the current PEGIDA demonstrations may become the image that the world sees when they think of Dresden; one that portrays our beautiful city as xenophobic, scares potential visitors off and additionally reminds them of the recent Neo-Nazi marches against the background of February 13th.
As rector of TU Dresden, I want to distance myself from these protests on behalf of the entire university and call on all staff and students not to take part in the demonstrations organized by PEGIDA and to continue working hard for tolerance and multiculturalism.”
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. DEng/Auckland Hans Müller-Steinhagen