- Silicon Nanowire Path
- Carbon Path
- Organic / Polymer Path
- Biomolecular-Assembled Circuits
- Chemical Information Processing Path
- Orchestration Path
- Resilience Path
- CRC 912 (HAEC)
- Biological Systems Path
CC Chair in California: PACT conference and DREAM seminar

Prof. Castrillon co-organized and presented at a tutorial co-located with the prestigious International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), held on October 18th, 2015 in San Francisco, CA USA. Prof. Castrillon talked about dataflow programming models and how they can be used to program heterogeneous computing systems. In the same week, Prof. Castrillon was invited to give a talk at the “Design of Robotics and Embedded systems, Analysis, and Modeling Seminar” (DREAMS) at UC Berkeley. He talked about “Analysis and software synthesis of KPN applications” and had an hour slot devoted to meet and discuss research directions with PhD students and Postdocs of the same university.