- Silicon Nanowire Path
- Carbon Path
- Organic / Polymer Path
- Biomolecular-Assembled Circuits
- Chemical Information Processing Path
- Orchestration Path
- Resilience Path
- CRC 912 (HAEC)
- Biological Systems Path
Grand Professors Week 2015

On Nov. 23rd, 2015 the Orchestration Path presented and discussed the recent path achievements with the Grant Professors James R. Cordy, Hélène Kirchner, Jan M. Rabaey, and Itamar Willner at the Grand Professor Week 2015. The demos included the operating system M3 for heterogeneous manycores with an integrated tracing infrastructure (Vampier) running on Tomahawk T2 together with our linear algebra library m3la and a specifically designed computational fluid dynamics application. With a database demo on Tomahawk T3, the path presented first results in building a processor for database systems. The third demo on Orchestration Style Sheets illustrated the progress and future perspectives regarding the middleware. The path team wants to thank the Grand Professors for their time and the fruitful and inspiring discussion.