Press Releases
Dresden scientist Professor Dr. Andreas Fery appointed Humboldt Scout
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[Press release from Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.]
Professor Dr. Andreas Fery, head of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Physics at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF) and Professor of Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials at the Technische Universität Dresden has been appointed Scout for Physical Chemistry / Materials Research in the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme of the Humboldt Foundation.
With the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme, newly established in 2020, the Humboldt Foundation enables up to 40 research personalities each year to actively recruit excellent junior researchers from abroad for research stays in Germany. The scouts are appointed in a competitive peer-review process.
As a Humboldt Scout, Professor Dr. Andreas Fery can now propose three talents who will receive a Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers or experienced scientists in a shortened procedure. An evaluation is carried out ex post. This procedure strengthens the position in the recruitment of internationally courted outstanding young and top researchers. Second, the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme specifically promotes female scientists and diversity.
"The opportunity to recruit three male or female researchers as fellows for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation provides a new and exciting funding instrument that reaches especially new potential candidates who were previously not addressed by the relatively long decision-making processes for fellowships. For the international guests, Dresden offers an attractive working environment for researchers. Thanks to the intensive cooperation between universities and non-university research, excellent interdisciplinary structures have been established in the DRESDEN-concept network to work on future-oriented research topics, e.g. the Centre of Advancing Electronics Dresden. For example, the Centre of Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), the DFG Collaborative Research Center "Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials" (SFB 1415) and the just approved new DFG Research Training Group "Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices" (GRK 2767)."
About the person:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery has been working since 2015 as head of the Institute Physical Chemistry and Polymer Physics of the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF) and, under a joint appointment, as Professor of Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials at the Technische Universität Dresden. He is Principal Investigator at the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) and spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group "Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices" (GRK 2767). In 2015, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant by the European Research Council for the project "METAMECH - Template assisted assembly of metamaterials using mechanical instabilities".
His special research interest is the development and implementation of new concepts for particle-based materials with optical, electronic and sensoric functionalities, as well as fundamental research on interactions of colloids and interfaces.
Contact details:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery
+49 (0)351 4658-225