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18th DRESDEN POLYMER DISCUSSION: From particulate building blocks to functional soft matter assemblies
21.05.2023 (Sunday) - 24.05.2023 (Wednesday) Tagungshaus St. Afra (formerly: Evangelische Akademie Meißen) , Freiheit 16 , 01662 Meißen
- Synthesis of colloidal particles
- Multiscale assembly
- Optical and electronic properties
- Adaptive and functional materials
Confirmed invited Speakers:
- Alf Mews, Universität Hamburg, Germany
- Charlotte A. E. Hauser, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
- Matthias Karg, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
- Rafal Klajn, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
- Daniela Kraft, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Eugenia Kumacheva, University of Toronto, Canada
- Jérôme Crassous, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- Juliane Simmchen, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
- Laura De Laporte, DWI, Germany
- Lucio Isa, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Luis M. Liz-Marzán, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain
- Markus Retsch, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
- Matthew J. Harrington, McGill University, Canada
- Nicholas A. Kotov, University of Michigan, USA
- Nicolas Vogel, FAU, Germany
- Patricia Dankers, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Tatiana Segura, Duke University, USA
- Tim Liedl, LMU, Germany
- Tobias Kraus, INM, Germany
- Walter Richtering, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- Prof. Andreas Fery
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.
and Technische Universität Dresden - Prof. Julian Thiele
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
and Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. - PD Dr. habil Tobias A. F. König
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. - Dr. Christian Roßner
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. - Prof. Alexander Eychmüller
Technische Universität Dresden
All information and registration: http://www.polymerdiscussion.de/home/
The conference will take place at the Tagungshaus St. Afra (formerly: Evangelische Akademie Meißen).
Address: 01662 Meißen, Freiheit 16
May 21 - 24, 2023, Meißen