Upcoming Events
Dr. Minghao Yu , TU Dresden
2D layered materials for sustainable energy storage applications
13.10.2023 (Friday)
, 13:00 - 14:00
Barkhausenbau, BAR I88 , Helmholtzstraße 18 , 01069 Dresden

Dr. Minghao Yu is the research group leader of the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Technische Universität Dresden. He received his doctoral degree in Material Physics and Chemistry from Sun Yat-sen University (China) in June 2017. He joined Prof. Xinliang Feng’s group as a postdoctoral researcher under the support of Humboldt Research Fellowship in November 2017. In March 2019, he was appointed as a research group leader of the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Technische Universität Dresden.
- 11/2017-10/2019: Postdoctoral researcher (Humboldt Research Fellowship), Chair of Molecular Functional Materials, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
- 03/2019-today: Research group leader, Chair of Molecular Functional Materials, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
His current research interests focus on (1) Development of novel organic and inorganic 2D materials and novel 2D hybrids; (2) Fundamental electrochemistry study on 2D materials for electrochemical energy storage and electrocatalysis. (3) Functional energy device fabrication, including supercapacitors, hybrid-ion capacitors, dual-ion batteries, and multivalent metal (Zn, Mg, Al) batteries.