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Dr.-Ing. Robert Kirchner , Head Mesoscopic 3D Systems, TU Dresden
3D functional integration using radiation-based polymer modification and high-resolution polymer composite direct 3D printing
19.03.2021 (Friday)
, 13:00 - 14:30
Online: https://bit.ly/3qz6jLU

Abstract Fully integrating functionalities like plasmonics or electronics into freeform 3D objects is challenging, given the available technologies, and especially when targeting industrial high-volume fabrication. We are developing solutions along two fundamentally different strategies. For the first, we start with planar structures and use out-of-plane rotation and translation to create compact and functional 3D objects. Such micro origami or kirigami techniques are the focus of academic research since a long time. They are of particular interest for us for 3D micro-nano-fabrication for MEMS, microfluidics, drug-delivery and smart-dust concepts. The major advantage is the usage of established planar lithography techniques. That means, the initial 2D structure can be fabricated with very high resolution, accurate placement, high-throughput and in a large set of different materials. I will discuss a new kirigami actuation concept deliberately controlling the viscoelastic creep and viscous reflow of linear thermoplastic polymers. I will shortly introduce our advanced surface patterning of 3D silica reliefs and of angle insensitive plasmonic structures for optically functional 3D objects. The second strategy focuses on sub-micrometer high-resolution 3D printing using multi-photon laser absorption. While the physical principle allows for lateral features below 100 nm, the variety of materials to be processed is limited for several reasons. I will present recent developments in modifying single-constituent materials based on spatially controlling the laser exposure. In addition, we are developing a new technology for efficient in-situ material replacement at the optical focus of the multi-photon laser writing system. That truly enables the route towards true freeform multi-material processing. The seminar is an overview on recent work to introduce our group and to look for potential mutual interests.
Robert Kirchner studied at Technische Universität Dresden and Chalmers Tekniska Högskola (Sweden). He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from TU Dresden in 2011. He worked as a postdoc at the TU Dresden in 2012 and at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, from 2013 until 2017. Since 2017, he has held a DFG Heisenberg Fellowship and is leading the Mesocopic 3D Systems Group at TU Dresden. His research focus is on micro-nano-origami methods, 3D MEMS/NEMS, self-assembly and advanced 3D patterning methods with strong emphasis on multifunctional 3D device integration. Recently, he acquired an EXIST Transfer of Research spin-off funding for multi-material multi-photon high-resolution 3D printing.
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