Upcoming Events
cfaed Summer Festival
21.08.2017 (Monday)
, 16:00 - 22:00
Villa & Garden , Würzburger Str. 46 , 01187 Dresden

The annual cfaed Summer Festival is the event for cfaed members to catch-up on latest achievements and plans for the upcoming semester. Meet new members including the recently appointed Prof. Marc Timme, incoming Chair for Network Dynamics and chat with cfaed PhDs, postdocs, and investigators.
This year, our PhD students and postdocs will get the chance to pitch in front of industry representatives and present themselves in front of potential future employers.
Draft Program:
4.00pm – Welcome
4.30pm – Welcome & Introduction Prof. Marc Timme (Chair for Network Dynamics)
5.00m – Pitch talks cfaed PhDs/Postdocs
6.00pm – Networking
Participation is free but registration is required. Please register here.
We look forward to seeing you at the cfaed Summer Festival.