Upcoming Events
cfaed Summer Festival
29.08.2018 (Wednesday) Entrance Georg-Schumann-Str 11/13 , Georg-Schumann-Str. 11/13 , 01187 Barkhausenbau

cfaed Summer Festival at the new BARkhausenbau
- 16:30-21:30 Networking (BBQ and drinks available) - Foyer BAR (entrance Georg-Schumann-Str. 11/13)
- 17:00 Keynote Oliver G. Schmidt (Leibniz IFW) – BAR205
- 18:00 Tour: Labs, offices, seminar and meeting rooms – start Foyer BAR (entrance Georg-Schumann-Str. 11/13)
Participation is free but necessary – please register here NOW.
We are looking forward to meeting you at cfaed’s new location on campus.
cfaed Summer Festival Keynote
DATE: 29 August 2018
TIME: 5.00 pm
LOCATION: BAR205, Barkhausenbau, TU Dresden, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden
SPEAKER: Prof. Oliver G. Schmidt, Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, Leibniz IFW Dresden
TITLE: “Self-assembled microtubular devices”
Microtubular devices (MDs) with outstanding properties are selfassembled
on-chip into fully functional and integrative three-dimensional
architectures. This makes them attractive for a broad range of
applications and scientific research fields ranging from energy storage to
reproduction technologies. MDs are used to construct compact energy
storage devices as well as sensitive advanced electronic circuitry,
nanophotonic cavities, sensors and optofluidic components towards
implementation of lab-in-a-tube systems. They are also useful to study
basic mechanisms of single cancer and stem cell migration, growth and
mitosis in realistic 3D confined environments. Off-chip applications
include biomimetic microelectronics for regenerative cuff implants and
the development of hybrid microbiorobotic motors for paradigm shifting
reproduction technologies. Cellular cyborg machinery is put forth as a
novel scheme for targeted drug delivery and cancer treatment.