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Prof. Janina Maultzsch , Department of Physics Condensed Matter, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen

CRC 1415 Seminar Series: Optical and vibrational properties of novel 2D materials

24.06.2021 (Thursday) , 15:00 - 17:00

Zoom Link: https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/j/88024492850?pwd=OHoxKzRvMy9YdjZycWtFdWI5c1ZXQT09


Atomically thin layered crystals have received great attention due to their fascinating
physical properties. By deterministic stacking and twisting of these two-dimensional
(2D) materials, an almost unlimited variety of material’s combinations and resulting
physical properties can be achieved. The properties can be further modified by
chemical functionalization of the surface. In this talk I will present recent experimental
and theoretical results on the optical and vibrational properties of such 2D materials
and heterostructures. In few-layer structures of transition-metal dichalcogenides
(TMDCs), we discuss simulations of interlayer excitons. Furthermore, we propose novel
2D antimony oxide structures which show tunable electronic properties depending on
the oxygen content. Finally, based on recent experiments on chemically functionalized
MoS2 layers, we present transitions from the 2H to the 1T’ phase along with the
characteristic phonon modes of the 1T’ phase of MoS2.

Janina Maultzsch received her PhD in Physics from Technische Universität Berlin in
2004. In 2006, she received a Feodor-Lynen grant from the Alexander von Humboldt
foundation and worked as postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University, New York,
in the group of Prof. Tony F. Heinz. After her return to Berlin in 2007, she was
appointed Junior Professor (2008) and Associate Professor (2015) at the Institute of
Solid-State Physics at TU Berlin. In 2010 she received an ERC Starting Grant. Since 2017
she is Full Professor of Experimental Physics at the Department of Physics of the
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). Her research focuses on lightmatter
interactions in low-dimensional materials.

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