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Prof. Akash Kumar , TU Dresden, cfaed, Chair for Processor Design
Inaugural Lecture: Design Methodologies for Reliable and Energy-Efficient Multiprocessor System
29.04.2016 (Friday)
, 15:00 - 17:00
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E023 , Nöthnitzer Str. 46 , 01187 Dresden

We are proud to announce the inaugural lecture of cfaed Strategic Professor Akash Kumar.
As the performance demands of applications (e.g., multimedia) are growing, multiple processing cores are integrated together to form multiprocessor systems. Energy minimization is a primary optimization objective for these systems. An emerging concern for designs at deep-submicron technology nodes (65nm and below) is the lifetime reliability, as escalating power density and hence temperature variation continues to accelerate wear-out leading to a growing prominence of device defects. As such, reliability and energy need to be incorporated in the multiprocessor design methodology.
In this talk, Prof. Kumar will present a platform-based design methodology in order to minimize temperature-related wear-outs. Concepts of approximate computing and how they can be used to address the problems shown by emerging power-wall in modern systems will also be covered.
The inaugural lecture will be followed by a small reception.
Akash Kumar received the joint Ph.D. degree in embedded systems from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUe), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 2009. He is currently the Chair for Processor Design at the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. His research interests include design, analysis and resource management of low-power and fault tolerant embedded multiprocessor systems. He has published over 100 papers in leading international electronic design automation journals and conferences on these topics. He has received best paper award nominations including SC 2015, DATE 2015 and FPL 2014. He is also a member of technical program committees of major conferences in the design automation and FPGA design area like, DAC, DATE, CASES, ASPDAC, FPL, FPT, etc.