Upcoming Events
Prof. Dr. Frank Ortmann , TU München
Electronic Processes in Organic Energy Materials: From Surprises to Design Guidelines
10.06.2022 (Friday)
, 13:45
Barkhausen-Bau, Room BAR I86c , Helmholtzstraße 18 , 01069 Dresden // online access details below

Research Areas
Prof. Ortmann's (*1980) research area is the theoretical modelling of ground and excited states and their time dynamics. Quantum theoretical so-called ab initio methods are developed and applied to different material systems. Current research topics include charge and spin transport, optical spectroscopy with excitonic effects, and the influence of the electron-phonon interaction. Typical material systems range from small molecules and polymers to organic mixed systems, crystals or novel 2D materials.
Scientific Career
Prof. Ortmann studied physics and received his doctorate with “summa cum laude” from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in 2009. In the same year, he joined CEA Grenoble as postdoctoral fellow and was awarded a Marie-Curie Fellowship in 2010. In 2011 he moved to the ICN2 Barcelona and in 2013 to TU Dresden. From 2014, he headed an Emmy Noether junior research group and was group leader at the excellence cluster cfaed from 2017. Since 2020, Prof. Ortmann has been at TUM.
from: https://www.ch.tum.de/en/ch/faculty/staff/active-members/o/prof-dr-frank-ortmann/
Online Access:
Meeting ID: 876 7584 6109
Passcode: 4q@pUh=6