Upcoming Events
First IEEE 5G Summit in Dresden
29.09.2016 (Thursday) International Congress Center Dresden , Ostra-Ufer 2 , 01067 Dresden

The upcoming IEEE 5G Dresden Summit is the seventh one in the series and second one in Europe, and will be held in Dresden on Thursday, September 29, 2016. The summit will address a holistic approach on 5G system design, ranging from silicon hardware, wireless, networks, edge clouds towards Tactile Internet applications. This one day summit will provide a platform for the industry leaders, innovators, and researchers from the industry and academic community to collaborate and exchange ideas in this emerging technology that may help in driving the standards and rapid deployment.
The summit is built on the achievements of the 5G Lab Industry Day and the Industry Partner Program Event, respectively. We will discuss the next steps for making 5G a great success. The summit will address a holistic approach on 5G system design, ranging from silicon hardware, wireless, networks, edge clouds towards Tactile Internet applications.
The IEEE 5G Dresden Summit connects world leaders, and will feature keynotes, oral presentations, poster sessions and exhibits on 5G technology, including Tactile Internet use cases and lively panel discussions on the future of 5G.
More information about the summit including registration details: www.5gsummit.org/dresden
08:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
09:00 Welcome Session
Including external plenary keynotes
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 4 Parallel Tracks including
- Academic Talks
- Industry Talks
- Projects presented by 5G Lab Germany
13:00 Lunch and Exhibition
14:00 4 Parallel Tracks including
- Academic Talks
- Industry Talks
- Projects presented by 5G Lab Germany
16:00 Coffee Break and Exhibition
17:30 Closing Session and Panel Discussion
19:30 Social Evening Event and Dinner