Upcoming Events
HAEC Summer School
18.09.2017 (Monday) - 22.09.2017 (Friday)
, 08:00 - 18:00

Welcome to the Summer School of the Collaborative Research Center 912: Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing (HAEC)!
The Summer School will focus on topics of silicon hardware. Dedicated Speakers will be Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, Prof. Frank Fitzek and many more. Social events will include a hiking tour to Saxon Switzerland and all participants of the summer school will participate at the IEEE 5G Summit Dresden on September 19th as well.
Welcome Reception on September 17
We cordially would like to invite all participants of the Summer School already on Sunday, September 17th, to our Welcome Reception. In a more casual surrounding, the participants should get a chance to get to know each other and to have a good starting in a fruitfull and interesting week. Refreshments and food are also served. The Welcome Reception will take place at the Andreas Pfitzmann Bau (APB).
For more information see the website.
Register here.