Upcoming Events
Dr.-Ing. Asif Ali Khan , TU Dresden / cfaed
Harnessing the Full Potential of In-memory Computing: The Programmability Perspective
10.02.2023 (Friday)
, 13:45
Barkhausenbau, Room BAR I89 // Online Access below , Helmholtzstraße 18 , 01062 Dresden

Asif Ali Khan received his Ph.D. degree from TU Dresden in 2022. He has a background in computer architecture, optimizing compilers, and emerging nonvolatile memory technologies. At the Chair for Compiler Construction, Asif has worked/is working on systems with heterogeneous memory technologies and their optimizations. More specifically, he has developed compilation and simulation tools and novel data and instruction placement strategies for racetrack memories. In the context of near-memory and in-memory computing, he has collaborated with others to accelerate real-world applications from the machine learning and bioinformatics domains. Asif has also contributed to developing software abstractions for non-von-Neumann computing paradigms.
Online access:
Meeting ID: 886 4410 0112
Passcode: 3W^ms9UV
Host: Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon
Everybody welcome!