Upcoming Events
2nd SPM User Meeting
26.04.2018 (Thursday) - 27.04.2018 (Friday)
, 08:00 - 18:00
TU Dresden, IAP

Shining light on Scanning Probe Microscopy
Join us for a 2-day event to share SPM application know-how among the Zurich Instruments community and become a ZI Power User. The Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at TU Dresden, Germany, and Zurich Instruments are pleased to invite you to a focused workshop hosted by Prof. Lukas M. Eng.
What to expect
- Know-how sharing with ZI users on SPM coupled with light, including SNOM
- Talks & poster session on the latest research from leading SPM scientists
- Practical tutorials on instrumentation challenges in PLL/PID, time-resolved experiments, fast imaging and synchronization with third party
- Inspiring talks from the group members of Lukas Novotny, Andreas Stemmer, Pavel Jelinek, Rupert Huber or Ernst Meyer will provide a solid background for discussion
- Experts from Zurich Instruments will be available for Q&A and on-site demonstrations.
How to register
- Send your name, affiliation, research topic and poster title to marjorie.quere@zhinst.com
- Registration is free but participation is limited
- Coffee and lunch breaks are included as well as dinner in the Baroque Coselpalais restaurant.