Upcoming Events
International Workshop on Advanced 3D Patterning
05.10.2017 (Thursday) - 06.10.2017 (Friday)
, 10:25 - 10:25
Technische Universität Dresden , 01069 Dresden

The event should team up different top-down and bottom-up technologies as well as communities with a common interest in advanced 3D patterning and high-fidelity 3D structure fabrication. For more information please have a look at the frequently up-dated website www.ad3pa.de.
Prof. H.-C. Scheer (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, DE)
Dr. H. Schift (Paul Scherrer Institut, CH)
Dr. Z. Wu (SwissLitho AG, CH)
Dr. A. Schleunitz (micro resist technologies GmbH, DE)
More information will follow in the next days.