Upcoming Events
NanoBioSensor Conference
04.09.2017 (Monday) - 05.09.2017 (Tuesday)
, 08:00 - 18:00
TU Dresden, Zeunerbau, Room 260 , George-Bähr-Straße 3 , 01069 Dresden

TUD's Chair for Materials Science and Nanotechnology and cfaed are jointly organizing an international conference on Nanobiosensors. This conference will host international experts in the field of nanotechnology and biosensors. The gathering of interdisciplinary researchers will enable active discussions and new cooperation between international groups. The main scientific areas that will be covered are:
- New (nano)materials
- Wearable and implantable biosensors
- Portable biosensors
- Flexible and stretchable electronics
- Full packaging
- Wireless detection
- Microfluidics, lab on a chip and miniaturization
The deadline for abstract submission (oral or poster contribution) is 25th July, 2017.
For further information take a look at our webpage.