Upcoming Events
Prof. Christian Joachim + Dr. Francesca Moresco , TU Dresden, cfaed
CANCELLED +++ Nanocar Race II - Public Talk
01.12.2021 (Wednesday)
, 18:00 - 20:00
Technische Sammlungen Dresden , Junghansstraße 1-3 , 01277 Dresden

Dr. Francesca Moresco, group leader at the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), coordinates the European FET OPEN project MEMO (Mechanics with Molecules). Within this project, an international competition “Nanocar Race II” is organized on an about 100 nanometer long track on a gold surface with the aim of testing the performance of molecular machines, important for the development of technology at the nanoscale.
A public talk about the project and the Nanocar Race competition will take place in Dresden on December 1st, 2021 and everybody is welcome to learn everything about racing molecules. The event takes place according to the current Corona virus regulations.