Upcoming Events
Novel High k Applications Workshop 2015
10.03.2015 (Tuesday)
, 09:00 - 18:00
TU Dresden, Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau , Nöthnitzer Strasse 46 , 01069 Dresden

A workshop on High k Dielectrics in Electronic Devices, organized by NaMLab GmbH.
Similar to the last years, NaMLab invites to the Novel High-k Application Workshop on March 10th, 2015. New challenges offered by the application of high-k dielectric materials in micro– and nanoelectronics will be discussed by more than 80 participants from industry, research institutes and universities. NaMLab created with the workshop a stimulating European platform for application-oriented scientist to exchange ideas and discuss latest experimental results on MIM-capacitors, process technology, leakage & reliability as well as characterization of high-k dielectrics integrated in silicon based micro– and nanoelectronics.
Find more details including list of presentations at the NaMLab page:
Registration started.
There is a small fee of 10 EUR (students 8 EUR) to cover expenses for the conference room and lunch.
You can register on the Amiando webpage:
Groups (>1 person): http://de.amiando.com/ZXEIICS
Single participants: http://de.amiando.com/JRUKCCB
Location: TU Dresden, Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau