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NaMLab: Novel High k Application Workshop 2017
09.03.2017 (Thursday) - 10.03.2017 (Friday) Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS) , Nöthnitzer Strasse 38 , 01187 Dresden

NaMLab invites to the Novel High-k Application Workshop on March 9th and 10th, 2017. New challenges offered by the application of high-k dielectric materials in micro– and nanoelectronics will be discussed by more than 80 participants from industry, research institutes and universities.
In this series of annual workshops NaMLab has created a stimulating platform for application-oriented scientists to exchange ideas and discuss latest experimental results on MIM-capacitors, process technology, leakage & reliability as well as characterization of high-k dielectrics integrated in silicon based micro– and nanoelectronics. The ferroelectric properties of doped HfO2 and ZrO2 were discovered 10 years ago. On the second day of the workshop, root causes for the formation of this so far unknown phase will be discussed.
Registration for the workshop started:
- Registration rate: participants: 12€/day // students: 10€/day (includes all meals and coffee breaks)
- Registration rate can be paid by credit card, pay pal (Europe only: direct transfer - 'Sofort Ueberweisung')
- go to --> Registration page
Confirmed list of speakers:
March 9th: Novel High k Application Workshop
Novel Devices
- E. Erben (GlobalFoundries Dresden)
- M. Vinet/H. Boutry (LETI Grenoble)
- M. Godlewski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Novel Processes
- A. O'Mahony (Oxford Instruments)
- M. Knaut (IHM/TU Dresden)
- D. Schmeisser (BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg)
- F. Johann (Oxford Instruments)
RRAM Devices
- CS Hwang (Seoul National University)
- J. Robertson (Univ. Cambridge)
- C. Wenger (IHP Frankfurt/Oder)
- U. Böttger (RWTH Aachen)
Ferroelectric Devices
- M. Trentzsch (GlobalFoundries Dresden)
- K. Florent/J. van Houdt (IMEC, Leuven)
- A. Markeev + A. Chernikova (Moscow IPT)
March 10th: Workshop on ferroelectric HfO2
Impact of dopants and oxygen vacancies
- L. Larcher (Univ. of Modena)
- A. Dimoulas (N.C.S.R. Demokritos, Athens)
- P. Polakowski/J. Mueller (Fraunhofer IPMS/CNT)
- A. Kersch (UAS Munich)
- R. Batra (Univ. of Conneticut)
Epitaxial Growth
- T. Shimizu (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- J. Schubert (FZ Jülich)
Domain structure, nucleation and switching dynamics on nanoscale
- I. Stolichnow (EPFL, Lausanne)
Thickness Scaling
- U. Böttger (RWTH Aachen)
- A. Zenkevich (Moscow IPT)
Negative Capacitance Devices
- S. Salahuddin (UC Berkeley)
- CS Hwang (Seoul National University)
- A. Ionescu (EPFL, Lausanne)
- M. Hoffmann (Namlab)
Workshop location
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS), Noethnitzer Strasse 38, 01187 Dresden