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Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert , Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Printable (semi)flexible thin-film polymer batteries: New possibilities for applications in organic electronics, IoT, smart health sensors, solar batteries, smart packaging and others
27.09.2019 (Friday)
, 01:00 - 00:00
BAR I90 (Heinz-Schönfeld-Hörsaal), Barkhausen-Bau , Georg-Schumann-Str. 13 , 01187 Dresden

The fourth industrial revolution and the growing Internet of Things (IoT) pave the way for gadgets such as active radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, mobile sensor systems, smart packaging and clothing, as well as ubiquitous integrated circuits. The large variety of the upcoming electronic devices leads to an extensive need for tailor-made energy-storage solutions, which have to offer specific characteristics like energy and power values, depending on the required application, and demand for suiting battery technologies. This upcoming field of electronics requires for not only lightweight and flexible, but also cheap and safe mobile energy supply. In this regard, batteries based on organic active materials represents an aspiring and promising element in this field of application. Read more
This talk will be a keynote of cfaed's colloquium on 27 September - the exact time of the talk is yet to be confirmed. More info about the colloquium can be found here.
Everybody welcome!