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cfaed Seminar Series
Ivo Sbalzarini, Carsten Rother , TU Dresden - Faculty of Computer Science
Inaugural Talk Ivo Sbalzarini and Carsten Rother
22.07.2015 (Wednesday)
, 16:30 - 17:30
TU Dresden, Computer Science Building, Auditorium , Nöthnitzer Straße 46 , 01187 Dresden

Starting 16.30, cfaed researcher Ivo Sbalzarini is going to hold the first talk titled „Scientific Computing in Systems Biology - Unraveling the Algorithms of Life“.
When cells form tissues and embryos develop, they solve hard computational problems. Cells take decisions based on local communication with neighbors and biochemical information processing. A tissue hence constitutes a massively parallel non-deterministic computer. While the source code (=genome) and hardware (=molecules) are increasingly known, the algorithms enacted remain elusive. Sbalzarini and his team develop theories and methods that help reverse-engineer these “algorithms of life”, focusing on methods for numerical simulations of biological processes and of biological image analysis. Comparing simulation results of hypothetical “algorithms of life” with image-analysis results enables us to refine the former until they match. Therefore, they develop numerical simulation methods that are designed to the specific intricacies of biological systems, which he will review in his talk. Moreover, he will show how the unifying framework of Particle Methods allows combined treatment of image-analysis, simulation, and model learning on parallel high-performance computers. Particle Methods are therefore the team’s prime algorithmic research area, including supporting by software systems like the PPM Library and the PPML domain-specific language. Taken together, they hope to catalyze the next big step for System Biology: uncovering the compute model evolved by nature that enables cells to effortlessly solve NP-hard problems beyond the Bremermann limit.
The second talk titled „Opportunities of Computer Vision and Machine Learning Technology in Dresden“ is going to be held by Carsten Rother. He will introduce the Computer Vision Lab Dresden. In a nutshell, they build models that take visual data as input and output information. Examples range from understanding images of a 3D scene, over image de-noising, to tracking the spine of a zebrafish. The lab’s main focus is to develop a new modelling framework, we term deep structured models. This builds on the massive paradigm change in machine learning - known as Deep Learning - and essentially may affect all related fields that deal with "Big Data". In this talk he hopes to give some inspiration and sketch opportunities for Dresden to benefit from these developments.
After the talks, there is going to be a buffet.